These are the beliefs that guide us at Inspiratia.
1. Being present, connected and at home in our bodies.
2. Honoring my body and the earth as a source of wisdom and guidance.
3. Feeling good; allowing myself to be open and receive the goodness of life.
4. Compassionately embracing everything that arises within me, all feelings and sensations.
5. Taking responsibility for my experience while communicating with authenticity and integrity.
6. Seeing others as allies, choosing collaboration, and celebrating our differences.
7. Inclusion and equity with respect for all people.
8. Maintaining awareness that everything and everyone is interconnected and the source of life exists within us all.
9. Valuing and protecting the earth’s resources and living in a way that supports a healthy, sustainable future for all.
10. Approaching life with an attitude of gratitude, play, and celebration.